Mandy's Fri Blog: Who Is In Charge at the Capitol Homeless Camp Again?

SO WHO IS IN CHARGE IN THIS STATE ANYWAY? Yesterday the Governor had a press conference. You can watch it below, although I did so you don't have to. After the typical update about Coronavirus where he spent a long time talking about how long it's taking for test results back for coronavirus tests and how there needs to be a national testing strategy (read this as "Trump sucks") and expanding state lab capacity and reaching out to private businesses for help getting quicker results. Blah, blah, blah. Skip ahead to the 24 minute mark to hear Steffan Tubbs ask about the homeless camps outside the Governor's mansion. The Governor totally punts the homeless issue to Denver. Nice work there. I've got some sound bites from the Mayor and the Governor that seem to contradict each other. No one is charge here. No one. The Governor did step up and arbitrarily decide to make last call 10pm, which even said he may arbitrarily change to midnight. He's just making crap up now.

MICHELLE MALKIN WAS AT THE BACK THE BLUE RALLY And she's on the show today at 1pm. At least I'm hoping she's good for 1pm today, she is a busy woman right now! Read her outstanding column on it by clicking here.

IT'S TIME FOR MIKE ROSEN AT THE MOVIES! And we were assigned Eight Men Out and The Natural in honor of the Rockies season that starts today. Not going to lie, I fell asleep during one of them. Not because it's not a good movie, but because I was very tired. DON'T JUDGE ME. Mike joins us at 2 for fun and bad jokes.

THE US ARMY BAND HONORS NEIL PEART FROM RUSH And a cool listener sent it to me and I think it's awesome.

WHO WILL THESE PEOPLE CALL IF SOMEONE RUNS THEM OVER? A caller referenced this a few days ago. Protesters are shutting down Broadway every night for ten minutes to shout "F the police" and remind people how horrible cops are. You can watch it below. I meant that question seriously, even as I am NOT ADVOCATING for anyone to run anyone over. But who would they call? THERE IS LOTS OF BAD LANGUAGE IN THIS.

They seem nice.

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL EDITORIAL PAGES WILL NOT BOW LIKE THE NEW YORK TIMES DID A bunch of newspaper staffers who are liberal (but then I repeat myself) sent a letter to the publisher of the Wall Street Journal about HOW AWFUL it was that CONSERVATIVE opinions are published in the paper. The Editorial Staff responded as only they can here. Here is just a snippet:

It was probably inevitable that the wave of progressive cancel culture would arrive at the Journal, as it has at nearly every other cultural, business, academic and journalistic institution. But we are not the New York Times.Most Journal reporters attempt to cover the news fairly and down the middle, and our opinion pages offer an alternative to the uniform progressive views that dominate nearly all of today’s media.
As long as our proprietors allow us the privilege to do so, the opinion pages will continue to publish contributors who speak their minds within the tradition of vigorous, reasoned discourse. And these columns will continue to promote the principles of free people and free markets, which are more important than ever in what is a culture of growing progressive conformity and intolerance.

DR. FAUCI THREW OUT THE FIRST PITCH And it was not good. Not good at all.

SENATOR JOSH HAWLEY IS BEING BLOWN OFF BY THE SMITHSONIAN As he tries to get more information about that totally racist and offensive bit of nonsense the Smithsonian released on "White Culture". He says they simply haven't responded to requests from his office about how it came to be in the first place.

WHO DOES ALEX TREBEK THINK SHOULD HOST JEOPARDY NEXT? He says so in this interview. It must be nice to beloved!

STEPHEN MOORE IS PIMPING THE FAIR TAX And I'm super happy about this because I've been a Fair Tax advocate since I learned about it twenty years ago. Read this for more.


THIS SHOWS JUST HOW AWFUL COPS REALLY ARE The Orlando PD released video of one of their cops saving a man who had overdosed on the street.

LET'S SEE HOW TRUMP DOES WITH A FIRST PITCH And he's throwing out the first pitch at a Yankees game on August 15th. It can't be worse than Fauci.

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